How To Manage Your Time Better: Learn How to Be More Efficient

How To Manage Your Time Better: Learn How to Be More Efficient

4 min readphoto by Diego Marigno (2015)stories

The way to manage time is quite simple, yet the most simple things sometimes are the most difficult to achieve. Time management is about managing oneself and the way that we do things.

Ever since I have memory, I’ve always found ways to save time. It’s quite baffling to realize that we all have a finite amount of time. I think of it this way: we are all millionaires in the same way. We all have the same amount of time on this Earth.

Here are some steps key things to remember when trying to be more productive with your own time:

1. What is Accountability

You need to hold yourself accountable for everything that you do. That is the very first step. Accountability begets productivity. In other words, the fact that you measure yourself will imply that you become more productive.

Accountability is being honest with yourself. Being accountable is to understand that you cannot take short-cuts to achieve meaningful things. To be accountable means taking the time to rest, to entertain yourself, time for work, time for your family.

You need to realize that a day only has 24 hours. An average person sleeps 8 hours a day. That means that we all have, on average, only 16 hours to use every day.

Once you start accounting for each hour, you will realize that you can do much more than what you are currently doing.

Being accountable could be mean different for you than what being accountable means to me. However, if you are accountable, it also means that you’re self-aware.

Being self-aware is a skill that takes time to develop. You need to understand your surroundings; you need to understand your limits; you need to understand yourself. It all starts by listening to yourself.

Accountability is being self-aware of your limits and possibilities. Being accountable is just another synonym for being responsible.

2. How To Beget More Productivity

You’re able to beget more productivity first by being accountable. Since you’re accountable, you know how long it will take you to do any particular task.

Given that you understand the time that you usually take to make such a particular task, you’re able to improve upon that and be more productive. It’s as simple as pushing yourself.

The only way to beget more productivity is simply by pushing yourself. There are some simple steps to keep in mind:

  • You need to be able to set clear and concise goals.
  • You need to set deadlines on those goals.
  • You need to comply with your goals and deadlines.
  • If you meet your goal, you should reward yourself.
  • If you don’t achieve your goal, you should punish yourself.

When I say punish yourself, that could mean anything, maybe merely having to work extra, it’s your choice, but you need to know that you’re accountable. If you fail with yourself, you should be held responsible, too.

3. Patience To Do Things At Your Pace

You need to learn how to do things on your own accord. Some people are going to be moving faster than you. Some other people are going to be moving slower than you. Do not lose focus.

You need to do everything at your own pace and time. It does not matter that you’re moving slowly towards your desired destination, as long as you’re moving.

Like Jemma Simmons from Agents Of SHIELD said:

“The steps you take don’t need to be big; they just need to take you in the right direction.”

To create anything of importance, you just need patience, dedication, and commitment. Since you’re accountable, self-aware, and setting goals, this step should not be difficult.

However, being patient is also a skill that takes time to develop. You need first to learn how to be patient with yourself. Once you’re able to be patient with yourself, you can learn to be patient with others.

4. Learning To Love Failure

Like Gary Vee says, you need to learn to love failure. You should be excited that you’re failing on something since you are still able to learn more and go beyond.

I believe that enjoying the process is a vital step to grow. You should not be disappointed in yourself when you fail at something. On the contrary, you should be motivated.

If you fail at something, you should continue to push yourself harder, and you should always try one more time.

Once you’ve learned to love failure, life will become much more straightforward. That is, since you have been accountable, self-aware, and you have clear and concise goals set up. You’ve also learned to be patient; now you understand that failure is just another step in success.

5. Time Management Techniques

There is a technique that I recommend. It’s called the Pomodoro Technique. It’s a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. This method is as follows:

  1. Identify your tasks.
  2. Set a timer for 25 minutes.
  3. Work in your tasks for the duration of the timer.
  4. Take a 5-minute break.
  5. After every fourth break, take a more extended break of 30 minutes.

There’s plenty of other techniques out there. Go out there and find the one that works for you!


You need to be able to manage yourself better. The only way that you can achieve this is by doing it yourself.

You need to learn to make yourself accountable for everything that you do. You need to find everything that motivates you, thrusting forward into whom you wish to become.

Be patient with yourself, with your current speed in life and the way that things are going. Everything that is happening needed to happen. Life is going to take you exactly where you need to be, at the correct time; there’s no need to rush about anything.

It’s not easy to like something that leaves us a bitter taste in the mouth, but it’s the only way to grow. The process of building, learning, executing and creating requires failure. Being successful requires failure.

The only way that you’re going to be OK with failure is by learning how to overcome it. The only way to overcome anything is by embracing it. Embrace your failures and love your losses.

Make time your own! Go out there and find what works for you. Have you looked hard enough?

May 26th, 2020